6002779_l-2Thank you for inquiring about having your wedding at Our Lady of Victory Church. Please click on the “Marriage Information Booklet” link for complete information about getting married at OLV.


Weddings are held on:

Fridays at any time

Saturdays at 10:30 am, 12 noon or 2:00 pm

Sundays at 3:30 pm


Parishioners are welcome to contact the rectory at 354-0482 to schedule an appointment with a priest or deacon. Non-parishioners must wait until 6 months prior to their wedding date to make an appointment.

There are many OLV parishioners who wish to get married in their home parish, and we wish to accommodate them. So to keep dates available for parishioners, we do not schedule non-parishioner weddings until 6 months prior to the date of the wedding. For information about Pre-Cana click here.